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How to create a Mobile WAP Site
We will learn about the tips to create a Mobile WapSite here.

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Mobile sites are glooming these days, growing rapidly. Webpages are difficult to open in the mobile so a new technology called as Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) is specifically developed for accessing mobile web. There are number of Mobile Wapsite creators where you can create your own wapsite for free and also can start earning some good money. The only thing you need to invest is Quality Time with it.
One can create a wapsite within minutes. No hardcore programming language is required(little bit of HTML Basics knowledge would be fine). One such wapsite creator where you can create your own wapsite is Xtgem. Just register there and you are good to go. Its very simple and user friendly.

To create a WAPSITE you need two things -

1. HTML language( if you know HTML language then very good but if you don't know it then don't worry i will guide you)
2. WAPSite creating Tool(Usually we find it with the wapsite creators like the one which i suggested above)

WebPages are created using the HTML language. So to create the wapsite/website you should be little familiar with html.
So for the people who don't know the HTML language(which is very easy) can refer a fantastic site which can even turn a high school student into a HTML master. IronSpider - HTML Tutorial is the site name. Refer "How to make a Web Page" section there. HTML Basics is enough to start a simple wapsite.

Next step is the WAPSite building tool which you can find here Build your WAPSite.

But before creating you need to be precise with your wapsite theme. So read the below steps -

1. You might have heard an old saying "Putting the Cart before the Horse". It simply means neither the cart is moving nor the horse. Don't do such job, go step by step in any matter. So before starting a wapsite you need to decide a nice Topic/Niche/Category in which you want to create your wapsite. Like, mobile downloads, chats, news, information etc. If you don't follow this step then it means you are following the cart and horse saying.
2. You can either develop your wapsite with the software's like HTML building tool, Dream weaver or You can check the List of free wapsite creators to start creating your wapsite online. Most of the wapsite creators company also provide wapsite hosting facility, so follow such company to create your wap for easy access.
3. Decide a short and sweet Domain name for your wapsite resembling the theme of your wapsite.Like for bollywood news one can choose bollywoodnews.com etc.
(Note: If some people has already choosen this domain name then you cant chose it again)
4. Make your wapsite Simple, do not put extra graphics or too many images in it. Mobile users are not interested to waste their time in waiting for the page to complete its download. Use text more than images or graphics. Resize the images to fit in the mobile browser.
5. Finally, popularize the wapsite with Link Exchange facilities. Like, surfwap.com, waptrack, besttop, waptop etc which helps in generating traffic to your wapsite.


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